
I can do all things in Christ who strengthens ME!!!! Phil 4:13

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This is kind of Scary and a giveaway after seeing this on another blog, (sorry I forgot the blogger), this could be the wave of the future. I don't want it do you?

Last day for the purse giveaway at Sheilas place

Home tonight, Fargo was not as good as I expected guess I work next weeked. :(

Have a great day and God Bless all of YOU!!!

1 Extremely Wonderful People Said:

Rebag said...

ya I hear ya but there is already talk that they are trying to pass that people that are in a higher risk. Such as diabetics, obeseity, ect... will have to pay more for coverage, I am looking at makeing a career shift and I tried to get on an independant plan and was declined because of sleep apnea! Yep some thigns make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm