
I can do all things in Christ who strengthens ME!!!! Phil 4:13

Monday, March 30, 2009


There is a giveaway at look at her store she has a beautiful patchwork skirt.

You can win 2 yards of fabric here

Well my computer had to go back to the shop. Seems after they installed the new hard drive windows wouldn't load up. So....I only have a computer available at night, and on weekends when I am working the craft shows I am going through blog withdrawal. Happy surfing everyone.

Have a great day and God Bless All of YOU :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Beautiful Day Here

It was a beautiful day here in Minnesota. Sunny and Warm had to be almost 60 degrees. I can't say that is unusual is normally a little cooler this time of year. Even with the beautiful day, there was a fair number of people who came to the craft fair I worked at today. The snow is almost gone just one tiny spot in my yard.

The economy is really showing at the shows that I do. Even though sales are down, the turnout is down as well. I do see the people being a little more selective as I am when I shop the shows. (I try not to shop all the shows, I would have no money left :). )

Have a great Sunday and God Bless All of You!!!! My puter maybe back tomorrow, I am excited.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Would You Believe....

My computer is still in the shop. Last night my future DIL dropped off the start up disc, I called this morning and they said it still isn't loaded. Now...I know they are busy but even I can load the startup disc and have it running with in 8 hours. Oh well!!! To top it off they have my new Terabyte hard drive as the cord is loose.

Good thing we saved this old puter. Not much stitching going on. Still helping a few family members with their taxes. I have Sunday off this week so will be nice to just pick up and relax.

I have gotten a little done on my table cloth, it is 1/5th done. Looks very nice will try and post a pic later next week.

Happy Stitching and God Bless All of you!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Computer Update

Well...looks like it will be 2 - 4 weeks before I have my puter back. So far I have tried 2 computers and have been unsuccessful in getting online, one will connect but is soooooo....slow. The other is not reading the monitor - you ask would that be the same monitor that worked for a few minutes on the laptop then wouldn't work - well hopefully will get that working and the modem software for the wireless. Wish me luck!!! Otherwise I will send small updates when I can.

I have another project to hopefully finish for March. One thing nice is that I actually do have time to stitch, clean a little and follow a movie without the computer taking all my time.

'til next time. God Bless all of You!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Computer Troubles

What happens when the laptop screen goes black. It goes back to Best Buy for fixing. I am really thankful I bought the maintenance plan for my computer. It has come in handy more than once. I bought a 1 Terabyte external hard drive last night, and spent 3 hours backing up my computer. I wouldn't have normally done this but my last computer I lost most the data. My son's computer Best Buy (where ever they sent the computer to) actually damaged the hard drive so bad he can't get any of his information off of it. we are covered and anyone I know who would like to store information (just in case always helps to have a back-up plan).

Lot of fun swaps out there right now. I am hoping with out the laptop. (I do have an extra desktop I can use when my son gets his puter back) I may be able to get a little stitching and sewing.

So many things to do and so little time (and money lol).

Have a great day and God Bless all of you.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My First Attempt and I Finished

It is a small accomplishment, but I have many customers asking for magnetic necklaces, so I (silly ME!) thought I could make a couple. I made 4 of them as a trial run. I took a mental health day today and played cribbage with a friend. One of the tournaments we entered I place 3rd. Kind of exciting as the first round I lost, the second round I had a bye and the 3rd round I lost. But as fate would have it I placed third, It is exciting :) even if it was by fate. I may make up a couple more necklaces and see what happens, otherwise they will make great gifts.
I think they turned out very nice for a first time project, what do you think?
I am not sure why they are turning yellow maybe I should check the camera settings for the next picture I post. Either that or take them in the daylight and replace the bulbs in the dining room.
Have a great day and God Bless all of you!!!